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DrDenDoes Checkout my new podcasts at the following sites: https://www.mixcloud.com/DrDen/ http://drdendoes.drdendoes.co.uk/ Apollo PodCasts
13 Minutes to the moon I have been listening to a great podcast called '13 Minutes to the moon' it's just absolutely amazing, no BS just great production and so interesting. The first one covers Apollo 11s landing and there is now a new one about Apollo 13 and what actually happened, go listen and treat yourselves, you won't be disappointed. You can listen on any podcast app you have just search 13 Minutes to the moon. Majestic 12 & the SOM1-01 Document.
Project framework
This manual was prepared especially for Majestic-12 units. Its goal is to present all aspects of Majestic-12 so that authorized staff understand the Group's goals better, are better able to deal with unidentified flying objects, extraterrestrial technologies and entities, and increase the efficiency of future operations. General information MJ-12 takes the UFO issue very seriously, extraterrestrial technology and extraterrestrial biological entities, and considers the whole subject of interest as a matter of highest national security. For this reason everything related to this topic was assigned to the highest security level. Three main points will be included in this section: A) General aspects of MJ-12 to prevent any misconceptions that anyone might have. B) Meaning of operations. C) The need for absolute secrecy in all phases of investigation.
US Navy release videos of UFO.
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