I keep hearing and see stuff about disclosure, TV, YouTube to name just 2, but what's the chances of disclosure? None, that's right NO CHANCE, and the reason is this, governments around the world don't want us to know what's really going on as most of them have broken the law, rules and human rights of people for a very long time it won't happen, take Montauk for instance, the US government has denied that experiments took place and that the buildings do not have levels underground, some of the people interviewed in various films & TV programes say that experiments on young children was carried out by German Nazi scientist with th US Governments permission, infact encouraged to do so, many died according to witnesses, are the people in the White House going to let us know, of course not, because they would be in serious trouble if they did.
And as for the UFO, Alien theories, well that's not going to be released either, when the UK government decided to un-classify their UFO files, do you really think they let them all out to the public, NO, even the ones they did had so much blacked out that they were useless, I know because I have copies of all of the ones released, the reasoning, by them is that if we were to find out that we are visited by little green/grey men then we would all panic, we would all loot the high streets and flee to the hills, what a lot of poppycock as my grandfather would say, they wont say anything that even suggests what they know about alien life forms visiting or Redelsham Forrest for instance, because of power, they know something we dont so they have all the power, I really dont know what happened to democracy where we ask for information but we don't get it?
So disclosure, No, Never, they will always keep secrets from us and there is nothing we can do to change that. Until a UFO lands in parliment square or a city park somewhere like 'The Day The Earth Stood Still' then we will never be told.
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And as for the UFO, Alien theories, well that's not going to be released either, when the UK government decided to un-classify their UFO files, do you really think they let them all out to the public, NO, even the ones they did had so much blacked out that they were useless, I know because I have copies of all of the ones released, the reasoning, by them is that if we were to find out that we are visited by little green/grey men then we would all panic, we would all loot the high streets and flee to the hills, what a lot of poppycock as my grandfather would say, they wont say anything that even suggests what they know about alien life forms visiting or Redelsham Forrest for instance, because of power, they know something we dont so they have all the power, I really dont know what happened to democracy where we ask for information but we don't get it?
So disclosure, No, Never, they will always keep secrets from us and there is nothing we can do to change that. Until a UFO lands in parliment square or a city park somewhere like 'The Day The Earth Stood Still' then we will never be told.
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